システミック・デザイン思考(Systemic Design Thinking)のススメ

Design ThinkingはSystems Thinking の派生ととらえてみると、シックリくる。システム思考のルネッサンス、あるいは新しい潮流がデザインの領域に起きているのである。そのビジブルな動きのひとつがStanford d. schooldだろう。

そのあたりの状況を言い現す表現として”Systemic Design Thinking”というのはどうだろうか。


複雑な社会システムをデザインするためのアプローチとして、Systemic Design Principles for Complex Social Systemsという評価の高い論文もある。


実際に、Systemic DesignEmerging contexts for systems perspectives in design~という国際会議(URLはこちら)が開かれるご時勢である。そこには次のような「問い」が並んでいる。


  • Promote a transition towards flourishing enterprises and sustainable prosperity?
  • Engage value conflicts between economic, social, and environmental paradigms?
  • Address systemic causes of escalating costs and complexity in the health, legal, taxation, financial, security, and other sectors?
  • Empower citizens to mobilize local responses to global problematics and democratically engage within their cities, municipalities, provinces, and states?
  • Shift government approaches to citizen engagement, policy design, and policy assurance?
  • Catalyze systemic changes and innovations in the relationships between architecture, the built environment, and the social and natural systems they interact with?
  • Reframe approaches to education and professional practice to exploit complexity?
  • Increase the resilience of social systems to cumulative effects and systemic risk by rethinking and redesigning them?
  • Accelerate learning and adaptation at organizational and societal scales?
  • Provoke transformation and innovation in today’s legacy social systems?
  • Advance a deeper and more critical theoretical foundation for designing at scale? 

