この8月にSpringerNatureから出版される医療情報学の新著。 Springer東京オフィス、シンガポールのSpringerNature、カナダ、ブラッセル、日本に散らばる各章担当の研究者とコラボレーションして進めてきた。すべての章の執筆者を差配し、査読。 医療情報学をイノベーションの視座から分析、叙述する試みは10年目なのでライフワークのようなものだ。よい節目か。昨年1月にプロジェクトを立ち上げ、全原稿を通しで整理したのが今年の2月初旬。コロナ禍で世の中が騒然となる頃だった。1巻の本を監修、ひとつ肩の荷が降り(そう)だ。
This book is the first to approach healthcare informatics from the perspective of innovation. Drawing on the unique pairing of information and innovation, it offers an analysis to help readers rethink information technology, knowledge management, interprofessional collaboration and the generation of wisdom in the context of healthcare.The concept of “translational” research stems from the medical and health sciences, and features bidirectional and recursive information-generation processes involving bed-to-bench and bench-to-bed approaches. Based partly on this, translational systems science has become a new trend within systems sciences, motivated by the need for practical applications that help people by offering holistic systems solutions for complex ideas. Today, numerous innovations are emerging in diversified clinical practices, and there has been a remarkable convergence of new technologies in disciplines like genome therapy, immunotherapy, iPS cells, imaging diagnosis, personalized medicine, molecular targeted drugs, surgical robots, and remote nursing. Innovation is also occurring in health management fields, including health records, insurance reimbursement methods, quality control, and safety. In these areas, big data and machine learning are accelerating innovation. Behind these innovations are the creation, sharing, bridging, and translation of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, and as such health informatics is critical in promoting health innovations.The book explores the horizons of health informatics, introducing cutting-edge practical cases and theoretical frameworks, including but not limited to fields such as big data, machine learning, drug discovery, interprofessional collaboration, electronic health records, robotics, telenursing, quality improvement, and safety.